What better way to spend one of the first days of spring than touring farms and learning about greenhouses?
Last month, educators from Academy School, Green Street School, Guilford Central School, Oak Grove School, and Winston Prouty Center joined Farm to School Coordinators Sheila and Conor to check out Wild Carrot and Milkweed Farms’ greenhouses. More and more schools are looking to greenhouses throughout the region to extend their growing season and expand their “outdoor” classroom space during the winter.
Some schools like Guilford and Academy are in the information gathering process while Green Street has purchased a greenhouse and is preparing to set it up this spring, and Winston Prouty’s Early Learning Center is bringing an old greenhouse on campus back to life in partnership with the Inspire School.
While the school greenhouses will be much smaller than the production greenhouses visited, many of the nitty-gritty details are the same: what does irrigation look like, cold frame houses vs. sheet plastic, what crops thrive best, and how long you can extend the growing season by using a greenhouse. It was also great to see the other possible uses of greenhouses, such as a year-round playground and yard for kids!