We’re adding new vendors and products all the time. Check out our live listings for our most up-to-date catalog of local and regional source-identified foods!
seasonal produce Availability
Below you’ll find our general forecast for seasonal availability. Produce availability is always changing based on climate, weather, and other factors. For our most up-to-date offerings, check our live listings.
Customer referrals
Know of any businesses that may be interested in ordering from Food Connects? If so, direct them to our online catalog at shop.foodconnects.org and encourage them to contact sales@foodconnects.org for more information. Please share with us who you have referred our services to as we would like to give you a little gift in return! For each customer referral you make, we will apply a $25 credit directly to our account after they have placed their first order!
Contact us:
Email: sales@foodconnects.org
Call: 802-451-0555